I imagine that every  Filipino earn at least 50k per month 

Discover the untapped potential within you, and use it to help global companies while earning a higher income. 

GLadys batenga


"The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake."

-Meister Eckhart

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About Gladys Batenga

Gladys Batenga is an online freelancer since 2013. She started her journey in online freelancing because nobody hired her when she was looking for a job. She started earning $200 per month as a Virtual Assistant for a US-based company. It took her over 5 years to figure out how to close her first premium client. She experienced the pain of rejection, disappointments, and failures along the way. She started this website to teach Filipinos on how to build their confidence in online freelancing and help them earn at least 50k per month. Read more >>

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Learn How to Build Your Confidence In Online Freelancing To Earn P50K Per Month
